Should I Go to the Hospital After a Bicycle Crash?

parents helping daughter after bicycle accident

Is it always necessary to go to the hospital after a bike accident? Certainly, people with severe injuries need to seek medical attention, but what if you don’t seem to be seriously hurt?

If you just shrug it off and go home after a bicycle crash, you may regret your decision later when the full extent of your injuries becomes apparent. You should always seek prompt medical attention after any accident on your bicycle.

Hidden Injuries Common in Bicycle Accidents

According to a research letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, injuries from bicycle accidents increased by 28 percent in a recent five-year period. Sixteen percent of bike accident injuries were to the head, while 17 percent were to the torso.

Unfortunately, you may not realize you’ve suffered an injury to your head or torso right away because adrenaline can mask your symptoms until it wears off. Some potentially serious injuries simply do not show immediate symptoms. It’s not safe to ignore a concussion or overlook the risk of internal bleeding. The only way to make sure your injuries are properly addressed is to seek medical care after a bicycle accident.

Importance of Medical Documentation for Legal Claims from Bike Accidents

If you need to file a personal injury claim related to a bicycle accident, medical documentation of your injuries will prove essential. It’s better if your injuries are documented as soon as possible after an accident so the at-fault party’s insurance company can’t deny that your injuries are related to the accident. If you get medical treatment right away after a crash, you’ll have the medical documentation needed to pursue a legal claim if necessary.

When to Seek Emergency Care vs. Urgent Care

Seek urgent care for minor injuries such as scrapes and scratches. The staff at an urgent care center will be able to evaluate you and determine whether you need emergency care.

Always go directly to the emergency room after a bike crash for injuries such as:

  • Concussions or symptoms that may indicate traumatic brain injuries, such as dizziness or disorientation
  • Excessive bleeding that won’t stop after a few minutes with pressure on the wound
  • Any cut with exposed fat or muscle tissue
  • Any suspected internal injuries
  • Any suspected broken bones

Bone fractures are another injury that may not be apparent right away due to the effects of adrenaline. Warning signs of a broken bone include swelling and intense pain on contact with the injured area.

Talk to Our Experienced Greensboro Bicycle Accident Lawyers Today

Many people wonder what to do after a bike accident. The answer is simple. Seek medical attention promptly and talk to an experienced bike crash lawyer immediately. A lawyer from Ward Black Law can help you determine whether you have a personal injury claim and can help you file the claim and negotiate for a fair settlement with the insurance company.

As a firm of award-winning lawyers for the seriously injured, we pride ourselves on not only fighting for justice but also getting our clients the care they need to move forward after an accident.

If you’ve been hurt in a bicycle accident, contact Ward Black Law today for a free claim review.

Author: Gabe Snyder

Gabriel Snyder is an attorney focusing on injury and workers’ compensation law. In addition to working with clients who have been injured, Gabe advocates for landowners whose property has been taken by the State of North Carolina through eminent domain.