Year: 2022

Workers’ compensation benefits provide medical treatment and financial support to injured employees in North Carolina. Unfortunately, as helpful as these benefits are, the money you’ll receive will typically be a smaller percentage of your actual wages. That means injured workers might still face financial hardships during treatment and recovery. So, if you require additional money […]

What does it mean when my lawyer tells me “we are going to file suit?” Filing a lawsuit in North Carolina for personal injury cases creates a general timeline as follows: filing of a complaint, an answer by the defendant(s), the discovery period, mediation, trial. Each has its own distinct features and rules. Filing of […]

In North Carolina, workers injured on the job could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance policy pays these benefits. They can provide medical care and replace some of the wages you miss out on due to your injury or occupational illness. The insurance company might offer to pay your medical […]

North Carolina car wrecks: If your health insurance company paid your car accident-related medical bills, can it get money back from your settlement? “Cost Plus Plans” North Carolina is an anti-subrogation state. What does that mean if you’ve been injured and you are trying to settle your car wreck case? What if your health insurance […]