Year: 2024

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates trucking throughout the United States, including regulations to prevent driver fatigue. FMCSA recordkeeping requirements oblige truckers and trucking companies to maintain logbooks that record their time behind the wheel, required off-duty time, and rest periods. The state of North Carolina also requires truckers to follow federal regulations. […]

Hitting the road on two wheels is exhilarating but can also be dangerous. How can you protect yourself while exploring North Carolina on your motorcycle? The legal team at Ward Black Law has tips for motorcycle safety as well as tips for other drivers to keep North Carolina roadways safe for everyone. Tips for Drivers […]

Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro Lawyer In 2017, Novo Nordisk introduced Ozempic to the market as a medication designed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, healthcare professionals soon observed an intriguing side effect among some individuals who used this drug: appetite suppression leading to subsequent weight loss. This unexpected yet beneficial outcome sparked significant […]

For decades, asbestos posed severe health risks that went unaddressed despite its known dangers. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally took definitive action by banning the import and use of this toxic substance. However, countless people have developed and will develop asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma while the authorities waited to act. Ward Black Law is one […]

NC Hospital System Is Quietly Informing Some Breast Cancer Patients That They Were Misdiagnosed A number of breast cancer patients treated at a North Carolina hospital have been quietly informed by the hospital that an error was made in their diagnosis. Many of these patients have been contacted by the hospital during 2024 to tell […]

Depending on where and when a car accident occurs, you and your passengers may have to wait an extended period before assistance will arrive. Having a car emergency kit on hand can help keep you and your passengers safe and comfortable while you wait for help. What You Need to Be Prepared in Case of […]

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month We at Ward Black Law want to remind everyone how important it is to stay focused while driving. We believe accidents can be avoided if we pay attention to the road. So, we’re here to talk about what distracted driving is, why it’s dangerous, and how to prevent it. […]

Many lawsuits related to toxic water exposure among members of the armed forces, veterans, reservists, and their families at Camp Lejeune are working their way through the courts. These claims offer an opportunity for justice and compensation for affected service members and their families. Still, scammers and con artists are using actual litigation as a […]

On December 5, 2023, CooperSurgical issued an Urgent Recall on its embryo solution that is used in its IVF process. The solution, intended to assist with development of IVF embryos, was recalled due to the risk of “impaired embryo development prior to the blastocyst stage.” This is a significant loss for fertility clinic patients who may […]

Breachers are members of the military or law enforcement who use explosive charges to enter secured buildings, often to rescue hostages or take down armed threats. It’s a dangerous job – one that might be even more perilous than previously understood. New research suggests breachers may face an increased risk of traumatic brain injuries due […]