Category: Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Are you or a loved one suffering from transvaginal mesh (TVM) or pelvic mesh complications? Unfortunately, some products that were designed to treat common pelvic and urinary conditions are not only failing – but subjecting patients to a range of side effects and injuries, many of which are life changing. Over the past year, a […]

Linda Gross is a 47 year old nurse from Watertown, South Dakota who suffered from pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a common condition which occurs when the pelvic muscles weaken and stretch, bulging, or prolapsing, into the vagina. In 2006, she was implanted with Johnson & Johnson’s Gynecare Prolift, a polypropylene mesh inserted through the vagina […]

Thousands of women across the United States suffer from Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) as a result of pelvic muscle weakness. Now, many of these same women are suffering from complications and side effects from surgically implanted vaginal mesh, pelvic mesh and bladder sling products, approved medical treatments for these common […]