Category: News
In 2004, Mesothelioma Day was established to raise awareness about one of the most deadly and unrecognized forms of cancer. Over the past ten years, organizations have joined together to shed light on the devastating effects, and to raise money for life-saving treatments. As we approach Mesothelioma Day 2014, Ward Black Law and organizations all […]
Have you been injured by the commonly administered DTaP or Tdap vaccine? Perhaps a loved one had severe side effects after receiving the shot, and as a result suffered prolonged pain or illness. If you are wondering what assistance might be available, you’ve come to the right place. The DTaP vaccine lawyers at Ward Black […]

After a serious accident, wouldn’t it be nice to sit down and have a casual conversation with one of the nation’s top personal injury attorneys? Ward Black Law has good news: you practically can! Just last month, Rutherford Publishing House released “A Cup of Coffee With 10 of the Top Personal Injury Attorneys in the […]

When you experience alarming medical symptoms, you trust your doctor to quickly and correctly assess the cause. If your primary healthcare provider is unable to diagnose the issue, he or she should consult a specialist for further testing. Sometimes, along the way, doctors provide the wrong diagnosis, or fail to diagnose the issue altogether. Have […]

The attorneys at Ward Black Law are representing an increasing number of individuals with recalled hip implants, especially the DePuy ASR® hip. Two products from DePuy Orthopaedics, the ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacement and ASR Hip Resurfacing System, have caused a great deal of pain and suffering. Are you or a loved one among this […]

We are excited to announce that our managing attorney, Janet Ward Black, has been collaborating with a publisher to co-author a book. It is called: “A CUP OF COFFEE WITH 10 OF THE TOP PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS IN THE UNITED STATES.” One of the wonderful things about this book is that all of its royalties […]
As an average driver, you will likely file a few car damage claims in your lifetime. According to estimates from the insurance industry, most people who get their license at age 16 experience at least one car accident before the age of 34. If you have endured a wreck, you already know that the aftermath […]
Do you provide care for those experiencing grief or emotional distress? K-LOVE, the nation-wide contemporary Christian music station is offering free training to equip individuals so they can better serve those in our community that are suffering. The K-LOVE Crisis Response Training program endeavors to impact the community through critical incident stress management training and […]
Are you or a loved one suffering from transvaginal mesh (TVM) or pelvic mesh complications? Unfortunately, some products that were designed to treat common pelvic and urinary conditions are not only failing – but subjecting patients to a range of side effects and injuries, many of which are life changing. Over the past year, a […]
When you receive a prescription to improve your lifestyle, such as testosterone gel, you hope for results and expect to maintain good overall health. But far too often, men determined to have “Low T” suffer from dangerous side effects after using testosterone gel or cream. These side effects, including heart attack and stroke, can be […]