Category: News

Most people don’t expect to feel worse following a flu shot. After the bruise heals and the Band-Aid is removed, we look forward to a year free from worry about contracting the flu from our friends, family or co-workers. Unfortunately, for many people vaccinated with the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the effects of this immunization were […]

A $1 billion debate is happening in Charlotte, N.C., this week. Garlock Sealing Technologies is a global manufacturer of products known to contain asbestos. The dispute, occurring in federal bankruptcy court, is whether or not Garlock should continue to be held accountable for asbestos-related claims that will likely total $1.3 billion in the next few […]
Since the founding of our republic more than two centuries ago, the jury has been a bulwark in defense of our liberties. The lessons of history have taught us that regular people on a jury are collectively smarter than any single person and can be trusted to provide a just decision in a civil case […]

On June 1, 2013, Richard Clark, 47, was killed on I-95 in Johnston County, N.C., after a tractor trailer overturned on the highway early that morning. The N.C. Highway Patrol determined that the overturn occurred after the truck driver fell asleep at the wheel. Sadly, this is neither the first, nor the last fatality involving […]
At this year’s annual North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) convention in Wilmington, NC, Janet Ward Black received this year’s Thurgood Marshall Award. This recognition was presented at the opening session of the convention during the Awards Ceremony on Sunday, June 16, 2013. The professional organization (NCAJ) established the award “to recognize extraordinary and selfless […]

After years of representing clients harmed by dangerous products, Florida attorney Doug Blankman experienced firsthand how it felt to be the victim of a defective medical device. According to the Chicago Tribune, the 58-year-old lawyer recently underwent hip revision surgery, following a doctor’s discovery of damaged tissue caused by corroding metal from his Stryker® Rejuvenate […]

Johnson & Johnson recently announced that it will begin phasing out the production of metal-on-metal and ceramic-on-metal hip replacement products manufactured by their DePuy Orthopaedics division. The world’s leading manufacturer of healthcare products also stated that it will cease selling DePuy’s all-metal hip implants effective August 31, 2013. This news appears to be the latest […]

On Thursday, May 30, the Top 50 Women Lawyers in North Carolina named by SuperLawyers magazine were invited to a celebration of their recognition by Legal Aid of North Carolina. This year’s event was held at First Citizens Bank in Greensboro, co-sponsored by Ward Black Law, GlaxoSmithKline and Duke Energy. Janet Ward Black of Ward […]

A typical family hunting trip in October, 2000 quickly turned into a nightmare for the Barbers when mom Barbara switched off the safety to unload her Remington 700. A shot rang out, and her nine-year-old son, Gus, was dead. Her hand was nowhere near the trigger. Barbara cannot bear to speak about the accident in […]

Linda Gross is a 47 year old nurse from Watertown, South Dakota who suffered from pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a common condition which occurs when the pelvic muscles weaken and stretch, bulging, or prolapsing, into the vagina. In 2006, she was implanted with Johnson & Johnson’s Gynecare Prolift, a polypropylene mesh inserted through the vagina […]