Category: Tractor Trailer Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates trucking throughout the United States, including regulations to prevent driver fatigue. FMCSA recordkeeping requirements oblige truckers and trucking companies to maintain logbooks that record their time behind the wheel, required off-duty time, and rest periods. The state of North Carolina also requires truckers to follow federal regulations. […]

Personal injury law is based on the idea that someone who hurts another person should have to compensate them for the harm they’ve caused. In the case of most car accidents, that means the driver who caused the crash – or, more often, their insurer – has to pay for the losses of others involved […]

Commercial trucks are difficult to drive, which means truck drivers must concentrate to avoid causing accidents. These vehicles are huge and heavy, and many of them come in two parts: the tractor and the trailer. Sometimes, truckers drive trucks without trailers attached in a practice known as bobtailing. This practice makes handling a truck even […]

If you are reading this, you or a loved one has probably just been through something truly terrible. Truck accident victims are often in a great deal of pain, frequently confused about whom to trust, and may not understand what the real priorities are right now. At Ward Black Law, we never lose our focus […]

If you or a loved one has been injured in a tractor-trailer accident, it’s important to understand that actions you take or statements you make immediately after the accident can impact your insurance claims or any legal case you may have against the driver, trucking company, or cargo company. Many tractor-trailer accident victims or family […]

An accident with a tractor trailer can turn your world upside down, possibly leading to severe injuries, huge medical bills, a total car loss, and time out of work. Or you may have even lost a loved one in a truck accident. Many victims of big truck accidents assume “it’s like a car wreck but […]

According to the the U.S. Department of Transportation, one in every 10 deaths in highway accidents involves a tractor trailer. In 2012, more than 3,000 people died in tractor trailer accidents, more than half of whom were occupants of cars or other passenger vehicles. In the winter season, cold weather often contributes to tractor trailer […]