Category: Workers’ Compensation

If you’re involved in a workers’ compensation case in North Carolina, your employer or their insurance company might offer you what is known as a clincher agreement. But what is a clincher agreement, and is it a good idea to accept one? A clincher agreement is a legal settlement that resolves a workers’ compensation claim […]

If you suffer an injury at work, it may affect a part of the body that was previously injured or has a long-term medical issue. As a result, you may worry whether your prior injury or pre-existing condition will affect your right to workers’ compensation benefits following a workplace accident. Understanding the interplay between pre-existing […]

Getting hurt at work can be traumatic and stressful. Sometimes, it’s made worse by the realization that it might have been due to your own mistake. The flurry of questions that follow can be overwhelming: “Will I receive any compensation?” “How will I pay my medical bills?” “What if I’m too hurt to return to […]

When you get hurt at work, you have a lot to worry about, like getting proper treatment for your injuries. However, while getting that treatment, you may wonder if you should also be taking timely steps to protect your right to collect workers’ compensation benefits. In other words, “Is there a statute of limitations on […]

What is Attendant Care for Disabled Workers? Attendant care helps disabled workers perform the day-to-day tasks that they would normally perform if not for their disability. Some examples of what attendant care provides include cleaning, bathing, laundry, and cooking. Attendant care also functions to teach the disabled person how to perform day-to-day tasks independently. Attendant […]

Nearly 65,000 private-industry workers in North Carolina suffered a nonfatal workplace injury or illness in one recent year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many injured workers count on workers’ compensation benefits as they recover, only to face retaliation from their employers after filing their claim. Employers have even wrongfully fired injured employees because […]

In North Carolina, workers injured on the job could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance policy pays these benefits. They can provide medical care and replace some of the wages you miss out on due to your injury or occupational illness. The insurance company might offer to pay your medical […]

Can My Employer Require that I Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine? Yes. Your employer can require that you receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of your employment. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued guidance stating that federal EEO laws do not prevent an employer from requiring its employees to be vaccinated. An […]

When employees in North Carolina suffer an injury at work or develop an occupational illness, the state’s workers’ compensation system is supposed to help them get back on their feet. In practice, however, the system doesn’t always work as well as it should, leaving injured workers in a bind. If you’ve been hurt and need […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the look of the workplace for countless Americans. More people than ever work from home, but that doesn’t mean that accidental injuries don’t still occur. Many workers who now perform their duties at home face confusion about benefits if they get hurt on the job – but not in […]