Category: Workers’ Compensation

Attorney Gabriel Snyder has joined the Greensboro law firm of Ward Black Law. He will focus his practice on representing North Carolinians who have been injured or killed at work or in accidents. He will also represent people whose property has been negatively impacted by road and highway expansion projects. “We are grateful that Gabe […]
Over a million injuries happen in workplaces across America each year. Serious back injuries are most common, but workers’ are affected by countless other accidents and illnesses at work. Because every case is unique and recovery times are different, securing workers’ compensation is a process that requires a working knowledge of your rights to payments […]
Clarence had been driving a tractor trailer for more than 20 years when the unthinkable happened. He lost control of the trailer and quickly realized that his career – and his life – could be cut short. Fortunately, he survived the accident, but his trials weren’t over. This is his story: As Clarence healed, he […]
We are currently not accepting Benzene exposure cases. Though benzene is one of the top 20 chemicals produced in our country, it is not often heard of or discussed. What most people do not realize is that this common chemical solvent has been linked to blood cancers such as leukemia and other devastating health effects. […]

North Carolina workers’ compensation provides medical and disability coverage for individuals with work-related injuries, impairment/disfigurement and occupational diseases, such as asbestosis and hearing loss. If a worker can produce sufficient evidence that the injury or disease was a direct result of the job, the worker has a right to receive compensation for significant wage loss […]