Case Type: Class Action
Ward Black Law has successfully helped clients obtain compensation through a variety of class action cases. These cases include various types of personal injury. To explore current class action cases that may include your specific personal injury, search by type of case or see a list of all cases.

Ward Black Law Investigating Cases of Injuries from DCPA (Dacthal) Exposure Ward Black Law is actively investigating cases involving severe injuries linked to the chemical DCPA, also known as Dacthal. Children have been born with birth defects due to in utero exposure to this dangerous pesticide. Many of those affected include farming families who unknowingly […]

Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro Lawyer In 2017, Novo Nordisk introduced Ozempic to the market as a medication designed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, healthcare professionals soon observed an intriguing side effect among some individuals who used this drug: appetite suppression leading to subsequent weight loss. This unexpected yet beneficial outcome sparked significant […]

For decades, asbestos posed severe health risks that went unaddressed despite its known dangers. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally took definitive action by banning the import and use of this toxic substance. However, countless people have developed and will develop asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma while the authorities waited to act. Ward Black Law is one […]

Many lawsuits related to toxic water exposure among members of the armed forces, veterans, reservists, and their families at Camp Lejeune are working their way through the courts. These claims offer an opportunity for justice and compensation for affected service members and their families. Still, scammers and con artists are using actual litigation as a […]

On December 5, 2023, CooperSurgical issued an Urgent Recall on its embryo solution that is used in its IVF process. The solution, intended to assist with development of IVF embryos, was recalled due to the risk of “impaired embryo development prior to the blastocyst stage.” This is a significant loss for fertility clinic patients who may […]

In the early 20th century, doctors identified a link between exposure to asbestos and several diseases. However, because asbestos provides excellent insulation and heat-resistance capabilities, manufacturers continued to use its fibers in numerous applications for decades, putting their profits ahead of public safety. Many began phasing out production only in the 1970s, but asbestos products […]

Allergan, a global medical device manufacturer, launched a worldwide recall of its textured breast implants in 2019 due to the risk that patients could develop a related form of cancer. The move opened the way for lawsuits on behalf of patients experiencing adverse reactions. The recall came at the request of the Food & Drug […]

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused anxiety for people across the United States, but some people have more reason to worry than others. While any given person faces similar chances of being infected if exposed to the virus, certain groups are more likely to die if they become ill. These groups include older people, people […]
Thousands of people nationwide are accusing Mansanto of failing to “exercise reasonable care to warn of the dangerous risks associated with use and exposure” to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. If you know someone with lymphoma who used Roundup weed killer for a long time, you may want to be aware of these proceedings. […]

Emily J. Beeson is passionate about achieving justice for injured people. Her work has centered on pursuing claims against major medical device manufacturers on behalf of individuals injured by dangerous products. Both in the multidistrict litigation (MDL) and individual settings, Emily has a successful track record of defeating defense motions and effectively resolving her clients’ […]