North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer

Stethoscope and gavel on desk, symbolizing healthcare and justice.

North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer

Stethoscope and gavel on desk, symbolizing healthcare and justice.

Accidents happen every day in North Carolina. All too often, they are not random, unavoidable events. Instead, they result from the careless and reckless decisions and actions of others. If you are facing physical, emotional, and financial pain due to someone else’s wrongful actions, you should seek legal help without delay.

The North Carolina personal injury attorneys at Ward Black Law are here for you. For more than 30 years, we have fought tirelessly for justice and for the care our clients need as they recover from accidental injuries. We want to help you, too.

Call or reach us online today to discuss your situation in a free initial case evaluation with an experienced personal injury lawyer from our law offices.

Why You Need Our NC Personal Injury Attorneys

Dealing with the injuries caused by an accident can be difficult enough. That is especially true when your injuries require extensive medical care, keep you out of work, and take a toll on you mentally as well as physically. You should not try to go through the process of seeking compensation for your injuries alone.

If you have never filed an insurance claim before or had to take legal action to protect your rights after an accident, you will benefit from working with an experienced North Carolina personal injury lawyer. While you focus on your healing and well-being, a knowledgeable personal injury attorney at Ward Black Law can help you understand your rights, explore all of your legal options, and pursue the maximum amount of compensation in your case.

What Makes a Personal Injury Claim?

With our extensive background in North Carolina personal injury law, the attorneys at Ward Black Law stand ready to review your situation and explain your options for seeking full and fair compensation. Generally speaking, to recover compensation in a personal injury claim, you must be able to prove four basic elements:

  • Duty — The other party must have owed you a duty of care or had some form of legal responsibility for your safety and well-being. For instance, drivers have a duty to drive safely, follow the rules of the road, and avoid causing crashes.
  • Breach — The at-fault party must have failed to uphold the duty of care owed to you. A driver, for example, may try to send a text message instead of focusing on the road.
  • Causation — The other party’s careless or reckless actions also must have caused your injuries. Showing causation in defective product-related cases may require extensive investigation, consultation with knowledgeable professionals, and aggressive litigation, for example.
  • Damages — You must have suffered actual harm from your accident and injuries, which could include medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more.

In North Carolina, under a doctrine called contributory negligence, you can be barred from recovering any compensation if the other party can prove that you were partially at fault for your accident and injuries. That is another reason why it is crucial to work with a personal injury law firm that will fight hard to protect your rights and block the insurance company’s attempts to shift blame onto you.