North Carolina Fatal Car Accident Lawyers

Overturned car on a wet road with police vehicle in the background.

Losing a loved one in a fatal car accident is a devastating experience, and no one should face the aftermath alone. As your family grieves, our compassionate fatal car accident lawyers in North Carolina can help you seek justice. 

At Ward Black Law, we understand the pain and uncertainty you’re enduring. Our dedicated team works to hold negligent drivers accountable, providing the support and representation you need during this difficult time. 

Contact us to learn more in a free case review when you are ready to explore your legal options after a deadly car crash in North Carolina.

Our NC Fatal Car Accident Attorneys Are Here for You

At Ward Black Law, our car accident wrongful death attorneys represent families across the state, providing availability, honesty, and exceptional client service to every client.  

We understand the overwhelming grief of losing a loved one to a careless driver, and we’re committed to offering the unwavering support you deserve during this challenging time. We’ve recovered millions in financial compensation for our clients, and our team is readily available to hear your concerns, provide clear and honest guidance, and advocate for your best interests with compassionate care.  

Many families find a sense of solace in seeking a measure of justice for their deceased loved one after a deadly car accident. A successful wrongful death claim can also provide the resources survivors need to lay the foundation for a better future.

Pursuing a Wrongful Death Claim after a Fatal Car Accident

When you lose a loved one in a car accident someone else caused, you deserve accountability and closure. Trying to process what’s happened can be extremely difficult, and you have the right to seek answers and justice. 

Working with our experienced attorneys to file a wrongful death claim can help you pursue justice for your loved one and your family, and can provide much-needed financial support when you’re reeling from an immense loss.

Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable for Fatal Car Accidents

It’s essential to talk to our wrongful death attorneys as soon as possible after a deadly crash. North Carolina sets a two-year deadline to file a claim following your loved one’s wrongful death in a car accident. Starting promptly can safeguard your right to seek justice. 

The key steps in the process include: 

  • Investigation and evidence collection – Our fatal car crash lawyers will work to uncover crucial evidence related to the accident, including police reports, eyewitness testimony, expert crash analysis, and medical records. Such evidence builds the foundation for your case.
  • Filing the claim – After building a strong case for compensation, our attorneys can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the parties responsible for the accident and their insurers. The legal document comprehensively explains the acts of negligence that led to the tragic outcome.
  • Negotiations and trial – After filing a claim, our attorneys can negotiate with the insurance company for the at-fault driver to seek a fair settlement. If negotiations don’t bring justice, your case can proceed to trial, where our attorneys can present evidence explaining why the negligent parties must be held accountable.
  • Awarding of damages – If the case is successful, the court will award wrongful death damages for medical expenses, funeral costs, lost wages, and the profound emotional toll your family has endured.

With decades of experience pursuing wrongful death claims from car accidents in North Carolina, our team offers compassionate support and trial-tested guidance to our clients, fighting tirelessly for the justice they deserve.

Causes and Types of Deadly Car Crashes in North Carolina

North Carolina roads can be treacherous, with various factors contributing to deadly car crashes. According to the National Safety Council, 1,630 individuals died in North Carolina traffic accidents in a recent year. These tragic accidents result from a variety of causes, including speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence, among others. These factors not only increase the risk of severe accidents but also leave families like yours coping with an irreplaceable loss. 

Some of the more common types of fatal North Carolina car accidents include head-on and rear-end collisions, T-bone accidents, multi-vehicle accidents, and pedestrian collisions.

Who Can Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim and Recover Compensation After a Fatal Accident?

Although the pain of losing your loved one in a fatal car accident can feel unbearable, state law provides a way for family members to seek a measure of justice through a wrongful death claim. The administrator or executor of your loved one’s estate must file this claim. The representative acts on behalf of the estate and is typically someone your loved one appointed in their will or someone the court appoints if no will exists. 

Eligible family members who can ultimately benefit from the recovered damages include the surviving spouse, children, and parents of the deceased. Other family members, such as siblings or grandparents, may be eligible if these relatives do not survive them.

Types of Compensation in a Deadly Car Crash Case

In North Carolina, families reeling from a fatal car crash can seek several different types of compensation through a wrongful death claim.

Here’s a breakdown of what you might recover: 

  • Medical bills – These include any medical expenses related to the accident that led to your loved one’s death. It covers treatment costs, such as surgeries, hospital bills, medications, and other healthcare expenses that arose before their passing.
  • Funeral and burial costs – Families can seek reimbursement for reasonable expenses related to the funeral and burial, including the cost of services, a casket, and the burial plot.
  • Loss of income and support – This includes the earnings your loved one would have contributed to your family if they had lived, considering their income at the time of death and future earning potential.
  • Loss of society and companionship – The law recognizes the immense emotional impact of losing a loved one. This compensation addresses the loss of the companionship, guidance, care, and affection the deceased would have provided.
  • Pain and suffering – If your loved one experienced significant pain and suffering between the accident and their death, you could receive compensation for their distress. It includes mental anguish and physical pain they endured due to their injuries.
  • Punitive damages – In cases involving particularly egregious negligence or intentional misconduct, punitive damages may apply. These aim to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior.

How Our Lawyers Help Families After Fatal Auto Accidents 

At Ward Black Law, we support families facing unimaginable grief after fatal car accidents in North Carolina. Our attorneys invest the time to understand your case’s unique needs, providing tailored guidance throughout the legal process. We shoulder the burden of handling all aspects of your claim, from investigating the accident and communicating with insurance companies to preparing compelling evidence for negotiations or trial. We strive to ease your stress and help you achieve a sense of justice while allowing you to focus on healing. 

Contact an experienced car accident lawyer from Ward Black Law today for a free case review. Let us help you pursue the compensation and peace of mind that can provide much-needed relief during this difficult time.